Sunday, July 5, 2020

Canopy #3

Canopy #3 (Nov 2019)
Work on the fairing was not in accordance with the procedures in the plans. The Fiberglass for RV builders workshop instructor prescribed a different approach including a structural adhesive, and epoxy filler to build up the layers toward the final profile. The end result is just as structurally sound, and actually a little easier because there are less sticky fiberglass strips required.

The gap between the canopy and the frame is filled with a mix of epoxy and micro balloons, sanded and then topped with several layers of fiberglass. The entire process is then repeated before applying a final layer of filler and primer.

Lots of sanding required to achieve the desired profile.

Masked everything off so that I could apply some high-build primer to see how everything came out. More light sanding after this to get a smooth top layer that I'm happy with.

Tape removed and I'm happy with the result. The only "notable" modification (screw up) is where the top of the fairing intersects the canopy rail. I misinterpreted the paper fairing templates that are in the plans and didn't align it correctly with the top of the canopy rail as intended. Overall, not a big deal; it ended up making for a smoother transition line although theres a little less viewable area on either side. Oh well. Once paint is applied it won't be readily noticeable except by me and other experienced builders!

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